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Providing solutions and expertise for your low-carbon energy projects


Together, let's make your energy transition easier!




Driven by the virtuous ambition of two Breton entrepreneurs, Maitréa was founded in 2016 to provide innovative solutions for new energies.


We advise and assist manufacturers and local authorities in their low-carbon energy projects by offering concrete actions to valorise resources, always in a dynamic of circular and local economy. These projects are fully in line with the French National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC - Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone). 


Based on local energy sources such as biomass or Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) from recycling, we can offer turnkey heat and power production facilities.


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The Maitréa team, a positive and sustainable energy


"Working together, on virtuous energy projects, gives us meaning and the desire to get up every morning to join our customers in their energy transitions."


The team is composed of employees with mixed backgrounds and complementary skills, one of Maitréa ‘s key strengths.